Emergency Preparedness

The Municipality of Thompson has an Emergency Preparedness Team consisting of a Volunteer Municipal Emergency Coordinator, the Municipal CAO, the Reeve and one Councillor. 

These positions are supported on the team by Municipal Employees and Community Volunteers that are trained and prepared to fill positions during an emergency and coordinate; Communications, Public Works, Transportation, Public Information, Finances, Volunteers and Emergency Social Services.

We are looking for a Volunteer Municipal Emergency Coordinator some of the responsibility's are:

¨    Activate the municipal Emergency Operation Centre

¨    Coordinate the emergency response.

¨    Initiate call out of the Emergency Operation Management Team

¨    Implementing the emergency plan in whole or in part.

¨    Advising Council and/or Mayor on declaring a State of Local Emergency.

¨    Prepare post-emergency reports.

¨    Shall ensure amendments to the emergency plan are made where required before and after an emergency.

¨    May act as EOC Manager or designate an EOC Manager as necessary.

For more information please contact info@rmofthompson.com   


Residents and Businesses in the Municipality can get more information on Emergency Preparedness, preparing an Emergency Kit and ways to stay informed and safe before and during an emergency by following the link below.

Get Prepared

The RM of Thompson uses the AllNet Connect Alert System to quickly get residents urgent information.  This system supplements the Canadian AlertReady system which only sends notifications to Cell Phones, Television and Radio.  By signing up to the AllNet Connect Alert System you will also receive emergency messages by email and landline telephone and will receive Municipal specific alerts such as local severe weather, burn bans, fire warnings, chemical spill warnings and other messages deemed urgent.   

When seconds count, be fully informed and continuously updated. To sign up for "AllNet Connect" alerts click here

The following types of alerts would be automated: